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Content API. Movie

Field nameTypeDescription
idstring*The unique ID of the movie
contentTypeMediaContentType*Type of the content. (More detailed)
titlestring*Movie title
descriptionstring*Movie description
yearnumber*The year of the movie's premiere
release_dateDateRelease date of the digital edition
age_limitnumber*Age limit on watching a movie
countriesCountry[]Countries that took part in the shooting of the movie
actorsActor[]Actors who starred in the movie
directorsDirector[]Directors of the movie
genresGenre[]*Genres that the film corresponds to
posterstring*Link to the image used as a poster
backgroundstring*Link to the image used as a cover
imdb_ratingfloatRating of the movie on IMDB
imdb_vote_countnumberThe number of people who rated the movie on IMDB
kinopoisk_ratingfloatRating of the movie on Kinopoisk
kinopoisk_vote_countnumberThe number of people who rated the movie on Kinopoisk
sourcestring*Link to .m3u8 playlist
previewstring*Link to the first frame of the video file
durationstring*Duration of the video movie


* - required fields

Details response
  id: string;
  contentType: MediaContentType;
  // Content info fields
  title: string;
  description: string;
  year: number;
  release_date: Date;
  age_limit: number;
  countries?: Country[];
  actors?: Actor[],
  directors?: Director[],
  genres: Genre[],
  poster: string,
  background: string,
  // Rating fields
  imdb_rating?: float,
  imdb_vote_count?: number,
  kinopoisk_rating?: float,
  kinopoisk_vote_count?: number,
  // Media source fields
  source: string,
  preview: string,
  duration: number,

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